PROJECT 1: D.O.M.I.N.A.T.E. - Defining.Opportunities.May.Ignite.
Non-Existent.Attitude 4.Talent 2.Elevate.
This program is a designed to assist youth with various skills that will taught by individuals from prospective fields of interest to provide participants with detailed knowledge, experience and hands-ons instruction to aid in unlocking their potential and possible hidden talent or career path.
PROJECT 3 - Virtual Learning Assistance
This program is designed to assist youth with virtural learning and tutor youth with additional instruction in educational courses. Youth will be assisted by teachers and counselors in our pursuit to provide adequate education to our ever developing youth.

PROJECT 5​ - Do Something For The Kids, The Podcast Show
Co-Host: Shantario Stephens and Ernest T. Brown along with our guest will discuss and provide knowledge, thought and insight into various aspects of life for parents and youth. Our podcast will also give you perspective and experience from individuals in all walks and faucets of life to inspire, inform and connect parents and youth to resources and information to assist in life.

PROJECT 2: Interview Ettique and Career Modeling
​This program is designed to assist parents and individuals with skill building and instruction of the interview process. The program will aid in providing advisement on how to interview, attire to wear to interview, do's and don't's during and interview.
PROJECT 4 - Youth Appreciation Days
​In appreciation for the hard work and dedication of our youth, Do Something For The Kids, Inc. will host Youth Appreciation Days to celebrate their feats. Appreciation Days will be earned as well as given as a reward for achievement of goals.

PROJECT 6​​ - The Dorothy W. Brown Scholarship Fund
Do Something For The Kids is proud to announce the development of The Dorothy W. Brown Scholarship Fund. We will be picking 4 lucky receiptents who explemify strength, motivation and commitment to striving beyond. Requirements are: 18 to 24 years old. College or Career Development Enrolled. 40 Hours of Community Service. A 500 word essay on "What is your Motivation?"